I organise several Initiation to UML courses, which include hands-on exercises, such as:
- Requirements Analysis using UML
- Software Architecture Analysis using UML
- Software Design Analysis using UML
These 3 courses are usually intended for Software Developers, Architects and System Analysts, and form one entity that provides a coherent overview of UML and a methodology based on RUP.
A complete UML course will normally take 5 days, but I like to taylor the presentations and exercises to the client’s needs.
When people start learning UML, they want to know and usually focus on the syntax. I believe the philosophy and approach are far more important, and the syntax can readily be found on the Internet or in books.
Believing in UML and its capacity to improve communication, robutness and predictability in the Software Engineering industry, I am always keen to promote it.
I also provide coaching and mentoring.
I would be delighted to have a brainstorming session or chit-chat with you on the subject any time. Contact me at jjacquet@writeup.com.au.